Join us this summer for our Kids For Christ Fun Day Camps!
Weekly Tuition includes the following:
- 1 Field Trip shirt
- 1 Field Trips per week
- Community Service Project
- Talent Show
- Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks
- All the Fun!
Time to start thinking about summer care for your school aged children. Here at First Baptist Child Care, we have been working hard to create a fun filled summer with engaging bible-based curriculum relating to fun topics the kids will love, exciting new field trips, and projects which include gardening, theater, and community service. We have a made a few changes to this year's "Kids for Christ Day Camp" including a new all-inclusive price per week. Gone are the summers of having to pay extra for this field trip or that field trip every week. This summer your weekly tuition includes everything that happens that week plus we are giving each registered child a GGLC T-shirt. We are also implementing a new electronics policy for the summer, which includes the following: " We will not allow any device that your child can use to send/receive phone calls, send/receive messages, or search the internet on. This includes, but is not limited to, any cellular phone/device, iPods, iPads, and Kindles/Nooks. The reason for this policy is to ensure your child’s and other children’s safety and privacy." The full policy is posted further down on this page. A letter regarding this new policy will be sent home with currently enrolled Alligators. The new electronics policy will also be available for your review at the front desk. The front office staff will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding this new policy. We have also included the planned daily schedule, summer calendar, and other information regarding this summer's "Kids for Christ Fun Day Camp" to help you further decide and plan your summer. We hope to see you and your child(ren) this summer!
Summer Registration now open to the public!
Summer registration fee due on Friday, May 13 If your child(ren) will be joining us this summer the $40 per child registration fee is due by May 13 to ensure your child's spot in our summer session. For children returning in the fall but not attending during the summer: The $75 fall registration fee is due by the start of the summer session (June 6) to ensure your child's spot in our fall session. *REMINDER*: We do not hold spots for the next session unless the registration fee for that session has been paid.
*Group 1 will be students whom have completed Kindergarten through 1st grade. Group 2 will be students whom have completed 2nd grade through 12 years of age.