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Choosing Christian Daycares over Secular

Choosing a daycare can be very challenging and worrisome for new parents. Knowing that your child is being well cared for and taught the same values you uphold can bring you peace of mind while you are at work.

What do secular daycares offer?

A secular daycare typically does not emphasize any particular credo or value system. This can be confusing to a young child who is looking for guidance from parents or other adults in their lives. A child in a secular daycare being raised by Christian parents may be taught one thing at home and another thing at daycare. This is a critical time in their lives where the parents teach their child about their faith. If you, like so many families in the United States today, find yourself in the position of needing a dual income, think carefully who you are willing to leave your child with. Choosing a daycare is essentially choosing a substitute parent to raise your child while you are at work. This is a crucial decision you need to carefully consider. You need to ask yourself does this daycare represent my values and morals. How does the secular daycare handle problem solving, conflict, and teaching of moral values? How do they handle issues of faith, loss, grief, and daily decisions of right and wrong? For Christian parents, choosing a Christian daycare for your child can mean the difference between your child understanding their faith and utter confusion.

What can Christian Daycares offer?

A Christian daycare, like God’s Grace Learning Center in Tomball, can teach your child the same basic learning skills a secular daycare can with the addition of a Christian-based curriculum. Daycares offer exercise and playtime, snacks and meals, nap time, and often teach basic lessons designed to help your child get a head start in school. The real difference is that a Christian daycare offers the same life lessons and skills through the teaching and memorization of scripture and Biblical values. Many Christian daycares, such as God’s Grace Learning Center in Tomball, integrate Bible teachings into every day activities and even hold chapel each week starting at a very young age. To a Christian parent, the learning of God's Word is the most important skill your child can be taught. Without clear training and teaching, your child can easily become confused by the many creeds and religious beliefs that permeate our culture today.

What things to consider when choosing a Christian Daycare?

If you decide to choose a Christian daycare, choosing the right one is crucial to your child's spiritual and mental development. There are many companies that claim to follow Christian beliefs, but if you look closely you will notice many discrepancies between their words and their actions. Make sure to interview and review the curriculum that your child will be taught.

You should also consider the denomination of the Christian daycare. Although young children are not ready for debating certain controversial doctrines, the teachers at your child's daycare should teach them the same beliefs to which you hold. Remember that in Proverbs 22:6 it says: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."

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